Physical Therapy

What is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is an intervention used to ease pain and restore functional movement (e.g., standing, walking, moving different body parts) helping you to move and live better.

Physical therapy also helps you recover quickly and safely following an injury or medical condition. Physical therapy is not only restorative but also preventative; in addition to rehabilitating after an injury or medical condition, physical therapists can also implement techniques to prevent injury and improve overall performance.

Additionally, injuries are often never just physical, meaning there is usually a mental health component. A good physical therapist will recognize this and work with their clients to overcome their anxiety or mood changes as they recover. In addition to physical treatments conducted in the office, your physical therapist may help you to make lifestyle changes such as changing your diet, improving your sleep, and creating daily routines.

At the Center for Collaborative Health, our goal in offering physical therapy is to help improve your life, by improving your movement and maximizing your potential.

    •  A few of the many conditions that Physical Therapy can treat:

    • Sports Injuries

    • Overuse Injuries

    • Arthritic Conditions

    • Fractures

    • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    • Chronic Pain

    • Prevention of Further Disability or Injury

    • Motor Vehicle Accidents

  • During your first appointment, your physical therapist will do a comprehensive evaluation and assess your overall condition. This will likely include reviewing your medical history and any events that have contributed to your current condition. It will also include an assessment of your current physical/functional abilities, neurological function, joint mobility, flexibility, strength, balance, endurance, and pain level. Upon completion of the evaluation, your physical therapist will review your results and provide you with a personalized treatment plan.

    In addition to education about your condition, your physical therapist will use a variety of techniques aimed at decreasing pain and stiffness and improving strength, motion, and mobility. This may also include manual techniques like joint mobilizations, soft tissue work, and myofascial work along with modalities such as dry needling, graston technique, and electrical stimulation.

    Typically, the first appointment is longer than follow-up appointments, as it may take a while to complete the evaluation and assessment. The duration and frequency of follow-up appointments are unique to the client and their injury/condition.


New patient evaluation $225.00

PT follow-up $150.00

Post-Op Follow-Up $100.00

Dry Needle Only $60.00