Relaxation Massage: Indulgent pleasure or health promoter? 

We all have days when we feel great, and some when we feel mediocre and others when we’re just plain lousy. That's life. What we are about to share with you is that there is something simple you can do to feel better that does not require hard work on your end. Sound too good to be true? It’s really easy – book yourself a massage. No matter your physiological or psychological state you will benefit from massage. That is a fact, as plain and simple as they come. Let me explain.

Our bodies are always talking to us, from sore muscles that ache and send pain signals throughout our bodies, to headaches, to range of motion loss, to stress and anxiety, and tension in our shoulders, jaw, neck and back, just to name a few. In fact, pause a moment now, take a deep breath, and as you breathe out wiggle your jaw back and forth. Most of us hold tension in places without realizing it until we intentionally let go and release it.

When our bodies talk it is time to listen. 

Do we always know what our bodies are saying? Not always, but there are people who can help. When we have feelings of discomfort, that is our body telling us, “Hey, it’s time to listen and take positive action.” 

Massage can also be simply used for relaxation. That said, did you know going for a relaxation massage has many positive effects on your body and mind? These side effects have staying power beyond the time you are in session. 

Relaxation massage has a multitude of proven benefits. 

Let’s start with mental health benefits. Without getting too detailed, when our body relaxes our heart rate, blood pressure, consumption of oxygen and cortisol level decreases. As those levels go down it automatically reduces stress, anxiety, and irritability. All of this can happen for you while receiving a massage. 

When we are in more of a relaxed state our bodies can rest better. Mental and physical health rely strongly on quality rest and sleep. So that “indulgent relaxation massage” just took a big U-turn back into beneficial whole body and mind wellness. 

Now that you know relaxation benefits let’s dive a little deeper. 

Massage therapy is a manipulation of the body's soft tissue performed by a professional therapist typically using hands and sometimes tools, such as hot stones. Massage is used to improve overall wellness by reducing pain, tension, and stress. 

5 proven benefits of receiving massage therapy:

  1. Reduce stress and anxiety 

  2. Reduce muscle pain, tension, and spasms 

  3. Increase range of motion and flexibility 

  4. Increase circulation 

  5. Decrease blood pressure

Beyond understanding the benefits of massage therapy, get to know your professional massage therapist. Each therapist has unique and specific education, hands-on training, and specializations. These should be stated in their bio or simply ask the therapist directly. 

In a future post, we will dive into the different types of massage therapy and the benefits of each to help you determine which type of massage is best suited for you and your body’s needs, which may change over time.

Be kind to your body and stay well. 


Caring For You


Springing into New Habits