Telehealth Services

The Center for Collaborative Health (CCH) offers teletherapy services in Minnesota.

This is also called telehealth psychotherapy. Teletherapy involves the use of electronic communications to enable CCH mental health professionals to connect with clients using interactive video and audio communications. Teletherapy includes the practice of psychological health care delivery, evaluation, diagnosis, consultation, treatment planning, therapy, and the transfer of medical and clinical data.

How does it work?

Teletherapy sessions work much like in-person sessions - the client makes an appointment in advance with their therapist - but instead of traveling to the office, the client gets on their computer, tablet, or smartphone and receives a HIPAA-secure link to their email to gain access to a video meeting. The client is able to have a session at home, in their office over lunch, or at any other convenient location without having to worry about things such as the weather or transportation. Teletherapy allows the client to be in a place where they are most comfortable and can be very helpful to those who live in rural areas.

What are the benefits?

Teletherapy is convenient and discreet. It offers more flexibility, which may help clients keep their appointments, when they might otherwise have to cancel (i.e. not feeling well, sick child, running late, stuck at work, etc.). Furthermore, teletherapy has been shown to be equally as effective as in-person therapy, especially when it comes to treatment of anxiety, depression, life transitions, and family dynamics.

Is telehealth a good fit for me?

Teletherapy is not for everyone. Your provider may determine that you would best benefit most from in-person interventions and offer you those services instead. Additionally, some people may find that they prefer face-to-face sessions and choose to meet with their provider at CCH rather than remotely.

Ready to schedule a Telehealth Therapy Session?
